Welcome to Shere

The 'prettiest Village in Surrey'

This page is dedicated to

the village and villagers, past and present, of Shere in Surrey.
Welcome to everyone, whether you are a resident, regular visitor or planning to come and visit this beautiful village.

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1986 Shere - Peggy Harman

Bodryn and Forge Cottage

A series of five sketches created in 1986, in and around our village by the Artist Peggy Harman (1935 - 2003). Thank you to her daughter, Jackie for sharing these with us:

You can visit the Paintings page (1950-1999) to see all five beautiful images.

25th March 2025

Shere Garage, Upper Street

I was deleighted to receive this email from John Walker, along with these photo's, which John is happy for me to share with you all:

"My grandfather (T.H.Walker) owned the garage in Shere from about 1946-1964. I think the garage is (or was) Shere4x4?

Having looked at your Shere delights website today, I noticed a newspaper cutting advertising cars for sale at the Shere garage - I see you have dated the newspaper cutting as February 1945. This date is during the 2nd world war and would have been before my grandfather had a business in Shere (He lived in Cornwall during the war). I note the phone number on the newspaper cutting is the same as on the attached business card. 

Best Regards, John"

This is the 1945 advert that John was referring to regarding the car sales, taken from the HISTORY page:

24th March 2025

1879 Shere

Stepping back in time to our beautiful village of Shere.

You can visit the Photographs page to see a clearer copy of one of the earliest photo's we have of our village

January 2025

The Historic Footbridge of Shere

Delighted to say that the dedicated website is now on its own webpage, having been refreshed after all original links were restored.
PLEASE VISIT AND ENJOY. If you havce any photos or memories of the Footbridge, please drop us an email and we will share this on the webpage.

29th August 2024

Shere back in time

Does anyone recognise these homes? If so, would love to hear from you - Please message me

18th August 2024

History of Shere Swimming Pool - 1875 to 2023

Many thanks to Diann Arnfield

Lord and Lady Arthur Russell, lived mainly in London but also had a house in Shere, Surrey.

Lord Arthur Russell was MP for Tavistock, so therefore, their residence in London was more suitable for his work in Parliament.

Shere, may have been their countryside retreat and they lived in Hook Lane, Shere, where today a relative of the Russell family still live – Hugo Russell. (a)

In 1875 - Lady Arthur Russell had a swimming pool built, leasing land from the Bray family which is behind the village school & today descendants of the Bray family still live in Shere & are very supportive of the Pool – being an historic part of Shere Village.

Lady Russell wanted a pool built in order that her six children could learn to swim- Harold / Flora / Claud / Caroline / Gilbert and Conrad – all of which were born between 1868 – 1878.

Later, in 1891, Lady Arthur Russell, presented the pool to the village, so that local children could learn to swim. An important document exists, which is held in Shere Museum, dated 1891, containing 120 signatures of the Inhabitants of Shere and surrounding districts thanking Lady Arthur Russell for her most generous gift.

It states the following:-” We the undermentioned in habitants of Shere and the surrounding districts beg to tender our most hearty thanks to The Lady Arthur Russell for her munificent gift of a Swimming Bath to the village of Shere. The way in which it has been already patronized ensures its popularity as an additional source of pleasurable and healthful recreation.” (b)

A lease was drawn up – dated 20th June 1892 - between Reginald Moore Bray of one part and Somerset Archibald Beaumont, William Temple Clay and Harold John Hastings Russell of the other part, certain land at Shere aforesaid was demised to the said Somerset Archibald Beaumont, William Temple Clay and Harold J. H. Russell for a term of 200 years. Lease expires in 2092. (c)

In 1899 – the pool was handed over to the Shere Parish Council, which continues to be responsible for it to the present day. It was then used as a, Public Pool, said to be the “First Public Open Air Pool in Britain”.

The Local Government Board, in a letter to Shere Parish Council dated 20th April 1899, formally approved the adoption of the Baths and Wash – houses Acts by the Parish Meeting, for the Parish of Shere.

On the 21st April 1899, Shere Parish Council records, note that a Committee was formed to over see the running of Shere Swimming Baths. Ernest W Bernard, George Fisher & George Sanders served on this committee and dealt with all matters relating to the maintenance of the Pool and employing attendants & reporting back to the Council.

The water for the pool was supplied via pipes from Netley Pond & Dr Fisher resolved that one shilling a year be offered to Col Fraser, as nominal consideration for the use by the Parish Council of the water for the Swimming Bath and for laying pipes in the field from Netley Pond. (d)

In July 1905, Dr Fisher reported that at that time there was no female attendant. Only few females made use of the bath and when ladies wished to bathe they had the key and went unattended. The Committee did not like to engage a female attendant at the cost of 5 /- a week without getting the opinion of the council. He suggested that the alternative was that the Bath should be closed for Women altogether to prevent any accident!!

After some discussion it was resolved that the ladies attendant be engaged for 4 weeks, as from

Monday 24th July, at a fee of not exceeding 5/- per week any extension of her services being at the discretion of the Committee of the Bath.

During WW1, young men who went to fight in France and Flanders, learnt to swim & dive in the Shere Swimming Bath and for many this helped save their lives. One soldier in particular, George Herbert Grover, learnt to dive and retrieve items from the bottom of the pool, as the water was only changed once a fortnight – hence near its change time, had become very murky & green and one could not see the bottom.

Then during the war, George, won medals diving for plate mines in river estuaries, saving many lives. The Grover family, lived in Church Road, The Square, Shere and ran “Grovers” which was a Greengrocers and Fishmongers. (e)

December 1938. Sudeten Refugees.

Czech Sudeten Refugees, were helped to travel to England by the Social Democratic Party in Czechoslovakia, plus practical help of British Organisations such as the Quakers lead by Tessa Rowntree – British Committee for the Refugees from Czechoslovakia. Three Holiday Hostels accommodated over 100 Czechs in the Surrey Hills, Chilworth, Albury Heath and Farley Green.

As a way of quickly acquaint the boys with the English way of life, the Reverend Gray of Albury and a teacher Mr Cobbold suggested they join the Boy Scout movement.

So boys from all the Holiday Camps met together and formed a Troop naming themselves the ‘Red Falcons’. The Red Falcons enjoyed many trips out and going to summer camps.

September 5th 1940 – was a warm day and ‘Leo Hicke’ one of the Red Falcons which was part of the 9th Guildford Scouts Troop saved the life of a drowning boy at Shere Swimming Pool.

Leo was awarded the ‘Gilt Cross’, and Certificate signed by Lord Baden Powell himself. (f)

In the early, 1950's the pool was only open during the afternoon, and the entrance fee was one Shilling and a season ticket was seven shillings and sixpence. There were changing rooms at either end, the girls were nearest the stream and the boys nearest the school. There was a springboard at the deep end and beside it a wooden structure making two diving platforms.

Mrs Bowler manned the pool, only having one day off a week when the Pool was cleaned out and refilled. Mrs Bowler was in sole charge, which meant that she was the Key-holder, she took the money, she was The First Aider, The Lifeguard, The Cleaner and she taught the children to swim.

When it was decided to chlorinate the pool in 1954, Doctor Watson said that if the water was to be chlorinated there must also be a fountain, other wise he would have all the children turning up at the Surgery with eye problems – there fore a fountain was installed. (g)

1954 – Shere Parish Council decided that the pool needed updating, with filtration and new surround. The system they decided on was one of daily re – circulation and chlorination.

Parish records show, that of a Meeting held on 18th January 1954 instructs the Council under no circumstances to close the Swimming Bath at Shere and for this purpose, authorises them to raise a Loan, not exceeding £500.00 for the provision of a Chlorinating Plant and Pumping Equipment at the Bath. A letter was duly sent to Surrey County Council, and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Whitehall London – requesting a loan of £350 for the purpose of providing a Chlorinating Plant at the Shere Swimming Bath and Pumping Equipment at the Well.

The Swimming Bath had been administered by the Parish Council for 67 years in 1954 and the question of the purification of the water had been a matter of concern for some years.

The bath was used by 3 schools in the area (twice weekly each school) for swimming instruction and by local organisations such as the Scouts. During the 1953 season - attendances were as follows:- Children 3607 / Adults 325 / Clubs from other areas 105. In addition, 12 Season Tickets were purchased, but apparently 1953 was a short season owing to our inability to obtain fresh water from the Board. Therefore, this is why the Parish Council was requesting the loan, as the Well that is connected to the Bath could be used to augment the present supply of water, if the necessary pumping outfit were installed. (h)

Surrey County Council, and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, agreed to the loan of £350 on 23rd February 1954 in order that the necessary works could be completed.

£220 was granted early in 1954 for the Chlorinating Plant to be installed, so that the Bath could be opened in May. The balance of the loan £130, was paid the following year for the Pumping Equipment to be installed at the Well.

Furthermore, Shere Parish Council had to comply with the Ministry of Health's publication “The Purification of the Water of Swimming Baths” and to this end sent an analysis of the Well Water.

The Medical Officer of Health, Guildford Rural District Council, stated in a letter to the Parish Council of 20th October 1953 – his comments on the water samples taken:- “You will note that the water is considered satisfactory for bathing purposes and with efficient chlorination, it should be quite satisfactory.”

In the late 1950's / early 1960's there was an official opening of the pool by Alicia Russell who was Hugo Russell's mother. (i)

In 1989 a local resident, Margaret Ellenger, got together a team of people to save the pool, as to continue to run the pool as a public pool was becoming an impossible financial burden for Shere Parish Council. During that summer, several fund raising events were held, the pool was saved and a lease was negotiated and Shere Swimming Pool Club was formed.

In 1991 – Shere Swimming Pool. Centenary, 100 years, since bequeathed to Shere and surrounding districts. 1891 – 1991 by Lady Arthur Russell.

There was a small celebration and swimming gala held at the Pool, after Alicia Russell dived in to start the proceedings.

The Club is non – profit making and charges the lowest practicable subscription, so as to remain accessible to all in keeping with Lady Russell's intention. In 1996, there was a membership in excess of 800 (members and families). Members are welcome to bring guests for a nominal fee.

An elected Committee - Shere Swimming Pool Committee run the Club and all routine maintenance is carried out on a voluntary basis.

2020 – 2023.

During the past three years, as well as the SSPC having to manage the use of the Pool during the Covid lockdowns 2020 – 2021/22, by introducing lane swimming, plus other safety measures as to number of people using the pool at any one time, there have been major updates to the Pool.

These include update of pool equipment / filtration in the pump room and major depth change + complete overhaul of pool interior with tiles. In 2022, we saw the sad demise of the rickety wooden changing rooms and ivy that clung onto their ancient homes, to the bitter end, only to be replaced with modern brick changing rooms. Then in the latter end of 2022 / 23 installation of a new boiler + an Air Source Heat Pump – re energy efficiency. (j)

2023. Schools use the Pool.

This season saw the return of the local schools using the Pool again – Shere Church of England Infant School & Clandon Church of England Primary School. These and other schools, organisations used to use the pools 1 / 2 afternoons a week in the 1950’s /60’s.

Shere Swimming Pool Club continues to be immensely popular with a large mainly local membership and also some further afield. The membership is nearly always full with a waiting list and so the pool is enjoyed by very many people throughout the season from May until the end of

September/ early October. (k)

It is unique and much loved asset to the Parish of Shere. (Chris Osborn / October 1996).


Diann Arnfield. July 2019. Updated 2023.
Shere Pool Member / Volunteer, since 1989)

More information on Lord and Lady Russell can be found HERE

SHERE SWIMMING POOL WEBSITE including an update of recent additions to the pump room equipment.

10th August 2024

1960s Watercolour painting
- up for Auction

Shere Village - early 1960s

26th March 2023 at John Nicholson's

Looking down Gomshall Lane towards the Junction of Upper Street and Middle Street (Bank Terraces on the left and Vine Cottages on the right).

Painter: Edward Wesson (1910-1983)

Medium: Watercolour - 12.5" x 20", (32 x 51cm)

You can view otrher photos that Edward Wesson painted
of Shere HERE

10th March 2023

Why Didn't They Ask Evans?

A couple of years ago (April 2021), it was announced that the Agatha Christie novel,

Why Didn't They Ask Evans?

would be adapted by the Actor Hugh Laurie the novel for a three part series on BritBox. The filming took place in the villages of Shere and Albury, between June and August of that same year (2021) and at Three Cliffs Bay in Swansea - (Featured in the June and August 2021 issues of the Parish Magazine).

A well known cast featuring Will Poulter, Hugh Laurie, Jim Boradbent (also appeared in Bridget Jones, Edge of Reason which had the church scene shot in Shere), Emma Thompson & Paul Whitehouse to name a few actors -- full list below...

Released on BritBox: 14th April 2022 - VIEW TV page


  • Will Poulter as Bobby Jones
  • Lucy Boynton as Frankie Derwent
  • Maeve Dermody as Moira Nicholson
  • Hugh Laurie as Dr James Nicholson
  • Jim Broadbent as Lord Marcham
  • Emma Thompson as Lady Marcham
  • Conleth Hill as Dr Alwyn Thomas
  • Daniel Ings as Roger Bassington-ffrench
  • Jonathan Jules as Ralph 'Knocker' Beadon
  • Miles Jupp as Henry Bassington-ffrench
  • Amy Nuttall as Sylvia Bassington-ffrench
  • Alistair Petrie as Reverend Richard Jones
  • Paul Whitehouse as the landlord
  • Morwenna Banks as Mrs Cayman
  • Joshua James as Dr George Arbuthnot
  • Richard Dixon as Leo Cayman

There is a historical connection to Agatha Christie and our village of Shere, almost 100 years ago (December 1926) - the strangest story of all concerns the night that she faked her own death at Newlands Corner in December 1926, parked her car and walked to Shere then thought to have stayed at the White Horse Inn for the night, and then vanished into thin air...



2nd March 2023

Local Photographer - 2023 Calendar and photo prints of Shere

Local photographer Hazel Thompson wants to let Shere residents know there is a bespoke ‘Shere’ photo calendar, Photo Art Prints & photo Greeting cards for sale at Cuckoo Corner - Shere.

Calendar: MARCH Calendar: AUGUST

These have been created to celebrate the beauty of Shere. They would make great Christmas presents if you are looking for something local and wanting to support local businesses.

Fine Art Photo Prints can be ordered online & sent internationally at https://hazelthompsonphotographer.bigcartel.com/

Christmas Card: Middle Street Xmas Card: Shere

Christmas Cards

Photo Prints, which can ordered for the New Year as well as Christmas

Many thanks to Hazel and Wishing her a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year, as to all the residents past and present.

click the above images to view enlarged image

22nd December 2022

Beautiful colourised postcards

Looking towards the Upper Street and Gomshall Lane junction with Vine Cottages on tghe left. Further along...

...looking towards Gomshall Lane with Vine Cottages on the left and Bank Terraces on the right

click the above images to view enlarged image

15th November 2022

Filming - Chance to feature as an extra.

Hello Shere!

We at IMVD Productions are filming a short film in your beautiful village from the 22nd - 23rd of November 2022.

Our film is in aid to raise awareness about Alzheimer's with the film generously being supported by the LGBTQ + and Dementia Advisory Group as well as the Alzheimer's society of Sweden.

Our team is being led by the Bafta-Longlisted Cinematographer Tom Martin, as well as myself (Iris Anoniempje) who will be directing.

Our films have gone onto some world renowned festivals such as the Unicef film festival and the Lift-off global sessions at Pinewood studios in London. We always aim with our films to bring light to issues that deserve to have their voice heard and we cannot wait to start production on our film. We would like to ask if there is anyone within your community that would like to take part as a background artist on either the 22nd or the 23rd of November?

We will require you for one scene in the centre of the village either in the morning or the early afternoon. Should you wish, we would like to give you a credit in the film. We are also still on the hunt for an indoor location. We are looking for a front door and corridor we can use for one morning for a scene on the same dates. If there is anyone interested within Shere and surrounding that would be open to renting their interior to us, we would very much appreciate it. If you are interested in taking part as a background artist or you have/know of someone that would be open to letting us use your location for our film , please contact me at hello@imvdproductions.com and I can send you some further information.

We very much look forward to hearing from you!

4th November 2022

Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving

A service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving marking the death of her late Majesty.

St James' Church, Shere on Thursday 15th September at 7pm

Updated information: St James' Shere & St Mark's Peaslake

13th September 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen at 90 - photo ©PRESS ASSOCIATION / Danny Lawson

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
21st April 1926 – 8th September 2022

The following information is published on the Shere Parish Council website:

It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

We give thanks for the long life of Her Majesty; a life of service, commitment and unwavering devotion to the nation.

Shere Parish Council Chairman Roy Davey

‘We, the residents and council of Shere Parish, would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the Royal Family on the death of our Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A wonderful lady, who devoted herself to the service of our country and to the Commonwealth, over more than 70 years. She has been someone who has always shown a strong sense of duty and dedication combined with a very obvious genuine interest in everyone whom she met.

She has been a national treasure and will be hugely missed by all sections of the community.



TRIBUTE to the QUEEN - We look back on the Shere Street Party to Celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday (2016) and also the 2012 Diamond Jubilee celebrations in the Village of Shere.

Shere - Queens 90th Birthday Party - 2016



Shere - Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations - 2012

Trip down memory lane to 2012, The Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations in Shere

September 2022

Two village paintings of the Village

Up for auction...

Painted by Tom Hunn (British, act.1878-1908)
Titled 'The Village Road, Shere, near Guildford',
Watercolour, signed lower left, 27 x 37cm, framed and glazed, bearing labels to the reverse. VIEW LOT


Painted by Wilmott Clifford Pilsbury (British, 1840-1908)
Titled 'A View of the Chantry Lane Ford over the Tillingbourne, Shere, Guildford',
Watercolour, 1896, signed and dated lower right, 17.5 x 27cm, framed and glazed.


12th September 2022

1961 During One Night

Another discovery...

...During One Night - Also known as 'One Night of Passion'.
Stars: Don Borisenko, Susan Hampshire, Sean Sullivan
& later to become, Hollywoods famous author Jackie Collins.

Directed by Sidney J. Furie - released on December 1961

ADDITIONAL LINK: Jackie also has a famous sister Hollywood actress, Dame Joan Collins. Joan Collins also filmed locally some years later. She appeared in the film Subterfuge, with Gene Barry, filmed in the village of Westcott, Dorking, in January 1968. Joan also appeared in 'Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism', filmed in Shere in 2012, fifty one years after her sister, Jackie.


Outside The White Horse looking towards Shere Lane

Story: Mike, the co-pilot of a US, England-based World War II bomber, is injured aboard. Although an almost complete recovery is likely, it drives him to suicide.

Released: 1961


Thanks, as always, to Phil Wilkinson at REEL STREETS


You can view more images of Shere from various films, on the REEL STREETS webpage

click the above images to view enlarged image

26th August 2022

1950s Photographic postcard

COOKERY NOOK, Shere, Surrey
This photo shows the TEA room in The Square and to the left of Shere Stores. I am used to the name, 'Rookerey Nook', so is this a spelling mistake on the postcard or did the name change?

click the above images to view enlarged image

26th August 2022

1958 The Strange World of Planet X

Film uncovered with another Shere appearance

The Strange World of Planet X
Stars: Forrest Tucker, Gaby André, Martin Benson, Dandy Nicholls, Directed by Gilbert Gunn - released on 4th March 1958 in London and on the 31st December 1958 in USA (titled 'The Cosmic Monsters').

In the village of Bryerly Bay near the laboratory, a Tramp appears from the woods. Looking through lych gate of St. James's church.

Story: A friendly visitor from outer space warns against conducting experiments with the Earth's magnetic field, that could mutate insects into giant monsters - When scientist Forrest Tucker's experiments accidentally blow a hole in the ionosphere, Bugs go big-time, tramping about the countryside. This low-budget Brit sci-fi screenplay.

Released: 1958, made in 1957

The actress, Dandy Nicholls was in this one, probably best known from the TV comedy series "Till Death Us Do Part").

Thanks, as always, to Phil Wilkinson at REEL STREETS


You can view more images of Shere from various films, on the REEL STREETS webpage

click the above images to view enlarged image

26th August 2022

1959 - Village Life

London Transport Leaflet - Village Life - 1959

Fold-out leaflet (size approx 6" x 3½" folded, opening out to 6" x 10½") from London Transport with details of some of London's outlying villages and how to get to them:

ALDBURY Hertfordshire, CHENIES Buckinghamshire, DATCHED Buckinghamshire, DENHAM Buckinghamshire, EYNSFORD Kent, HIGH ONGAR Essex, IDE HILL Kent, LEIGH Surrey, LITTLE GADDESDEN Hertfordshire, LITTLE MISSENDEN Buckinghamshire, SHERE Surrey, THORPE Surrey

click the above images to view enlarged image

25th August 2022

c1900 - Vine Cottages

Upper Street / Middle Street / Gomshall Lane junction

This photo shows the village at the turn of the 1900s, its a tiny photo from a scrapbook (1.5 x 2 inches) but documents the junction, looking towards Vine Cottages from Upeer Street. Interesting photo of a person walking towards Middle Street.

click the above images to view enlarged image

17th August 2022

1932 - Stereoscope Photo Cards

3 sets of Stereoscope photo cards

Upper Street

Upper Street

Middle Street

click the above images to view enlarged image

2nd August 2022

1920s - Gomshall Lane

Looking east down Gomshall Lane from the junction of Middle Street and Upper Street



June 2022

1970s - Lower Street

Lower Street in the 1970s - how many cars can you identify?
MKII Triumph Spitfire, Ford Anglia, Bedford Van...

Overlooking Lower Street from Middle Street

click the above images to view enlarged image

7th April 2022

1969 - Calamity the Cow

Another film uncovered in Shere

I always get super excited when uncovering Shere to be a Film location and this film, Calamity the Cow, recorded in 1966 and released in 1967.

Calamity the Cow
Comedy / Family film, Directed by David Eastman

Phil Collins, actor and musician (Vocalist and drummer for Rock band Genesis) plays the character 'Mike Lucas'. Apparently Phil Collins and David Eastman fell out regarding Phil's acting style. Consequently, huge parts of Phils appearences were axed but not all scenes.

Story: A farmer purchases a new cow and his children pout a lot of effort to prepare 'Calamity' rthe cow for the show ring. At the very last minute, the cow is stolen...

One of the Children's Film Foundation (CFF) films. The film was shot to make it feel part of trhe 1950s era.

Released May 1st 1969

Thanks, as always, to Phil Wilkinson at REEL STREETS

The Children entering 'The Square'.

Whats exciting is that you can clearly see the old cottage 'Apple Trees', owned by Mr. Clover. The cottage stood on the location of the now 'Hop Gardens', just to the left of the 'White Horse'.

Closer view of the old cottage 'Apple Trees'

'Apple Trees' taken in 2005 (thanks to Steve Cook)
You can read more HERE

You can view more images of Shere from the film, on the REEL STREETS webpage

click the above images to view enlarged image

17th March 2022

1892 - At the corner

Following up from the post two days ago, "The corner", this photo is
"At the corner" taken from the 1892 photo album.

Captioned: "At the corner"

With a young girl posing outside Vine Cottage

click the above images to view enlarged image

17th March 2022

1892 - Photo album

The post below, dated 1st March, has created a great deal of interest - thank you for your e-mails.

The image from Lower Street came from a photo album "Snap Shots":

dated Augst and September 1892

Over the next few weeks, I'll post a photo of each page, so please keep coming back to view. Here is the second photo (the first being Lower Street) - Amazing to think that these images are now 130 years old.

Captioned: "The corner"

Vine Cottage and Bank Terraces - Click on the photos to view a larger image. This is the case for all photos on this website

click the above images to view enlarged image

15th March 2022

The First Street Lamp in Shere

Paul Rhimes

Its always great to receive e-mail from you, especially such interesting ones as from Paul. Occassionally (and with permission), I share these as I know just how interesting you find stories such as these:

Dear Tristan

By way of introduction, my name is Paul Rhimes andI lived in Shere from 1968 to 1978. My Father was the police sergeant back when there was a police office in Gomshall Lane. I have been living in Switzerland for the last 20 years but I thoroughly appreciate the Sheredelight website as a way of keeping up to touch with events - Congratulations !

I am not sure if you are aware of the circumstances surrounding the first ever street lamp in Shere village?

There had been a number of accidents at night on the T- junction of Middle Street with Upper Street and Gomshall Lane. As a result, it was proposed to put in a street lamp. At first glance a fairly innocuous proposal but it would have been the first ever street lamp in Shere’s history and this raised some very serious objections from some of the villagers. There appeared to be a majority resigned to the logic of the proposal but there was a vociferous minority against the lamp. The arguments of the naysayers fell into two main groups;

1) The locals know it’s a dangerous junction and take care: the tourists have all gone by nightfall.

2) Today one street lamp, tomorrow… Las Vegas.

There was a public meeting in the village hall and I remember that my Dad attended in plain clothes just to ensure that there were no fisticuffs - it really was a big issue. Fortunately, the meeting passed off peacefully and the street lamp was finally installed.

Kind regards


I had so many questions for Paul and here is the follow-up response:

Dear Tristan

I am absolutely fine for you to publish any part of what I have written - please feel free to edit  or reword where you feel appropriate.

We are just packing up to return to England after 20 years abroad so I do not have access to any photos. I had a check on the Surrey Ad website and archives but couldn't find anything to pin down the exact year, unfortunately. My best guess would be in the region of 1973 to 1976.

The Police Station had one Sergeant (Laurence Rhimes) and 5 PC's covering the surrounding villages. This included one motorcyclist in the early days. The patrols were generally done by car although there were cycle patrols and the occasional foot patrol as well. As Dad said, one day was never the same as another - lots of variety. I remember one night he had a call reporting that cattle from the field beside our house had escaped onto the A25 - Dad spent about half an hour in the car trying to find them without success. My Mum went out to take in the washing and found the entire herd in our back garden ! Amazing how much damage Herefords can do to a lawn.

On the subject of village attitudes to change, I remember that there were some surveyors in Middle Street doing some routing measurements for the council. One of the PC's (no names!) told a villager, for a joke, that it was preparation for putting in double yellow lines throughout the whole village. On reflection, this was not a good idea - luckily, the right people were quickly informed and calm was restored. 

Do let me know if you need any more information.

Kind regards



Thank You Paul for giving us a glimpse of life in the Village back in the 1970s.
14th March 2022

1892 - By the Riverside, Lower Street

You may remember the first post of this year:
'Newly discovered painting - 1 Lower Street' (scroll down this page to the 1st January date) by John Terris, R.S.W. (1865-1914)

Looking through a photo album, unearthed in 2014, I was reminded of a scene from almost the very same view point.

c1897 - Newly discovered Painting -- 1 Lower Street

PHOTO: Lower Street PAINTING: Shere Village, Surrey

click the above images to view enlarged image

1st March 2022

Breeders - TV Sitcom - Sky One

Sitcom series starring Sherlock and The Office actor, Martin Freeman and Daisy Haggard (from Harry Potter).

Also star are actors Patrick Baladi (also 'The Office' (UK)), Joanna Bacon, Alun Armstrong and Stella Gonet.

Scenes were shot in Shere on Thursday July 4th 2019.



Series 1, Episode 6 - Broadcasted on Thursday 9th April 2020 at 10pm

Scenes shot in Middle Street (above), The Square, Outside and Inside of St. James' Church.

The Series is available to view now on SKY 1.

click the above images to view enlarged image

21st January 2020

Paintings by Helen Allingham, RWS and other works of art

Painter: HELEN ALLINGHAM, RWS (British 1848-1926)

Helen Allingham, spent the summer of 1878 in Shere, painting some beautiful scenes, in and around the village. Approximately a dozen watercolours resulted from Mrs Allingham’s holiday, and they were exhibited at the Royal Watercolour Society.

The first record of her coming to Shere was in 1875, and produced the painting below, titled:

A Cottage at Shere (1875) which depicts a young girl feeding the birds at Oak Cottage in Gomshall Lane (Now Kinghams Restaurant).

Other painting of the village:

White Horse Inn (1878)

The Square (1878)

Children Playing with Kittens beside a cottage (1878) - Upper Street

Netley Farm (1878)

By the Silent Pool (1878)

These and many more by Helan Allingham can be found on the PAINTINGS PAGE

In 1886 Helen Allingham held a solo exhibition, “Surrey Cottages” at the Fine Art Society. In 1890 Helen Allingham became the first woman to be admitted to full membership of the Royal Watercolour Society. She continued to make frequent visits to west Surrey and died on a visit to friends in Haslemere in 1926.

click the above images to view enlarged image

17th January 2022


c1897 - Newly discovered Painting -- 1 Lower Street

TITLED: 'Shere Village, Surrey',
figures outside a terrace of houses

Painter: John Terris, R.S.W. (1865-1914)

Watercolour, signed, 13.7"5 x 9.75"

John Terris, Exhibited at the Royal Academy, Royal Society of British Artists, Royal Society of Painters in Watercolour, Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours and the Royal Scottish Academy.

This painting went up for auction on 22nd December 2021.

The scene was painted from the bridge location in Middle Street, looking over the Tillingbourne towards the 1 Lower Street Cottages and Bakery.

Comparing the painting to the photo below, you can match the shape of
the roofs, window and door locations.

PHOTO: Looking across the bridge towards Lower Street (1949)

click the above images to view enlarged image

1st January 2022

2021 - To Olivia

You may have remembered the filming in Lower Street in late 2019. A film about Roald Dahl, starring Hugh Bonneville and Keeley Hawes. At the time the film had a working title of 'An Extra July' and the Parish magazine reported the news in both December 2019 and January 2020 issues, along with photos.

Celebrated British actor Geoffrey Palmer (Butterflies, Reggie Perrin, The Saint, Doctor Who, Trhe Sweeney, Fawlty Towers, Inspector Morse, Bergerac and the list goes on....) passed away in the following November 2020, so sadly never saw the film release on the following February (2021).

The film 'To Olivia' was released on SKY Cinema on 19th February 2021. I received an e-mail from Graham P. Sherman with these details and his connection to Shere.

Dear Tristan

I note that in the Films Section that the 2019 film ‘To Olivia’ is missing. I say this as 1 Lower Street features  in this film, as it was my family home between 1830’s - late 1850’s. This home is next door to the ‘Bakery’ that became a ‘Sweets Shop’ in the film.

My connection is that I have umpired the Village’s Cricket Club throughout the last 3 seasons and look forward to returning in May 2022. This in light of my family’s history with the village.

My 2xGrt Grandfather John Sherman (1798 Plymouth - Oct 1857 Shere). John was thrice married. firstly, to Sarah Charman in Dorking. Sadly, she passed away with the birth of their only daughter within a year of their union. Both mother and daughter are buried at St. Martin's, Dorking' I can't find the gravestone, despite an extensive search. From there John married Sarah Frost (who was born in either Ash, or Willow Cottages, Shere). Sarah's father John was the local Tanner and the two John's joined forces. When Sarah passed, John married my 2x Grt Grandmother Isabella Maria Lawrence, who was baptised at Holy Trinity, Guildford. Both Sarah and Isabella wedding services took place in central London churches. 

John, then became the local Miller and the family resided at 1 Lower Street, Shere. There, son Frank Edward Sherman (1855 Shere - 1915 Portobello Road, London), would be my Grt Grandfather was born. Frank's siblings then where split 3 ways. Isabella took her youngest son, Daniel, with her when she married local Edward Charman, to Ponds Farm, Shere. The marriage was short lived. Others stayed at Middle Street, Shere, with the remainder moving to Kingston-upon Thames. John is buried just outside the front door of St. James' along with Sarah Frost and her family.

Isabella when Edward Charman died changed her surname back to Sherman and lived out her life with her only daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter in Sandgate, Kent. She was buried at Cheriton Road Cemetery, Folkestone, Kent. I attended her grave this summer, where I cleaned it up, left flowers and sent photos to my family around the world.

The last Sherman died in the early-mid 1970's, thereby ending my family's association with the village, since 1830's.

So, it is good to be back. The Cricket Club celebrated promotion to Division II of the Surrey Downs Cricket League for the first time. I had nothing to do with it, I just made sure that the Rules of Cricket was observed. I shall be returning in early May 2022 to umpire the forthcoming matches. 

Happy for you to record my family's and my connection to the village.

Season's Greetings

Graham Philip Sherman
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Graham for his e-mails and for sharing this information with us all.

21st December 2021

1978 - Ramblers Bus Service 417

London Country - Ramblers Bus Service 417 Dorking to Shere Circular Summer 1978.

The final line in the leaflet states: "As route 417 is a circular service, it is also an ideal way of touring the area for the less energetic: the 26 mile tour lasting almost one and a half hours costs only 75p".

click the above images to view enlarged image

1st December 2021

The White Horse - Shere - 1892

I have had few e-mails asking about Shere's White Horse pub and its history in our village. There is an informative and dedicated webpage, please click HERE TO VIEW.

Huge thank you to Matthew Bestwick, for the image above - all rights reserved).

20th November 2021

Shere - 12th June 1957

Looking towards Middle Street - Not a car in sight!!

click the above photo to view enlarged image

2nd november 2021

Shere, The Village -1903

Girls playing with hoops in Middle Street - ©Francis Frith

22nd September 2021

Gomshall & Shere Railway Station - March 1966

This photo taken on 20th March 1966 shortly before it was demolished. The station became unmanned the following year in 1967.

Gomshall station was officially opened on the 20th August 1849 and originally named 'Gomshall & Shere Heath'.*

In March 1850 the station was renamed 'Gomshall & Sheire'.* This is a mystery as to why the spellelling of 'Shere' was 'Sheire'. Two and a half years later, the Station was re-named again.

In September 1852 the station was renamed 'Gomshall & Shere' as South Eastern Railwal took over the line

12th May 1980 the railway station was renamed for the fourth time in its 132 year history to 'Gomshall', dropping the name 'Shere'.*

*(Source: Butt, R.V.J. (1995). The Directory of Railway Stations. Yeovil: Patrick Stephens Ltd. p. 106. ISBN 1-85260-508-1. R508)

READ MORE HERE: Train Station - Gomshall & Shere

20th September 2021

Shere Open Gardens - 2021

Shere Open Gardens was to be taking place on Sunday 12th September this year with a smaller event of about 15 gardens BUT a dceision has been made to cancel the event and a new date has been set for Sunday 26th June 2022 - READ MORE HERE


please check the website: www.shereopengardens.co.uk

10th September 2021

Upper Street - c.1890-1910

"Elderly man at fence: A summer afternoon in Surrey" is Shere near Guildford
NORTONS on Upper Street - This may well be Mr. Norton

Upper Street, Shere on FLICKR

Collection: Mason Photographic Collection

NLI Ref: M24/61/4

VISIT the NLI Website


Roy Sherlock, Flickr Pro member writes:

"Kelly's Directory of Surrey from 1913 lists two Nortons in Shere:


Norton Fredk. H. carpenter & undertaker
Norton John Samuel, cycle maker

Either of these tradesmen could conceivably have been based in the timber-walled building in this image".

Makes interesting reading also from other Flickr members in the posts below the photo - click the above photo to read the posts on the Flickr website

1st September 2021

Shere Wedding - 1915

7th August 1915

Bertram Reginals Warren, of Upton Park, Slough and Marjorie Rachel Mary Bray, of the Manor House, Shere

As well as the Shere and Albury Fire brigade officers standing to attention in the background, I have spotted a woman holding a dog (right hand side, under the arch). Is this Alice Norton (daughter of Film Director, Charles G. Norton) that we saw riding her bicycle in the 1899 Film 'Fire Brigade turn-out in the country"?.If so, her dog also featured in the film. Click onall the photos to see a larger image.

VIEW THE 1899 Film

click the above photos to view enlarged image

11th August 2021

Shere - 1960

Hard to believe that 61 years has passed - This 35mm photo shows the White Horse Inn with the then iconic 'WATNEYS' red barrel' above the old White Horse sign.

Parked outside is a red Triumph Herald and a Hillman Minx

click the above photo to view enlarged image

28th July 2021

Wheelwrights - 1887
- Article Update

With Reference to the December 2020 article below, I have been contacted by good friend of our website, 'Andy King'.

Hi Tristan,

Your article ‘Wheelwrights 1887’ of 2nd December asks for information.

The two c1865 drawings by Richard Rayner (attached) are of the old wheelwrights shop in Lower Street before the current house known as 'Wheelwrights' shown in your article was built.

The exterior view is of the front yard/garden facing Lower Street,

and the interior view is looking toward the front of the old wheelwrights shop.

The top drawing in your article shows the interior view looking toward the rear of the old wheelwrights shop (now known as Ash Cottage I believe):

Having just said the interior view in your article is looking toward the rear I realised that it has been mirrored!! – Richard Rayner’s c1865 watercolour sketch above shows the scene in correct orientation with the workbench on the left, and with the equipment shed at the rear which had been demolished in the view illustrated in the article.

The above balck/white sketch has now been correctly mirrored to match the Richard Rayner's c1865 watercolour sketch

If you look at the ‘door’ on the right of your image and on the left of mine you will see that both your and my drawings show the same building.

The sketches I have show that at that time the shop had quite similar openings on three sides.


Andy King

Thank you to Andy for this extremly insighful update and information, including the Richard Rayner sketches, all ©, so all rights reserved with these images.

Here is the original article/posting from December 2020, obviously some of the questions back then, have been addressed by Andy:

I was reading an earlier issue (April 2020) of the Cranleigh Magazine and came across the above sketch "llustration from a children’s book of 1887 (Jocelyn Bailey, Village Wheelwright (Shire Pubns.).
Below images show an old postcard of 'Wheelwrights' a few decades later and a photo of how it looks now, as a residential property - A by window where once the double doors featured:


'Wheelwrights' in Lower Street -
click on ALL the photo's to view more detail.

Close up of Sid and his dog

Wheelwright - Smith - Undertaker
POSTER - on the far right, inside of the door (click on the poster above)

The poster tells us that the Annual Show at Albury Heath are hosting 'Athletic Sports' and 'Fireworks'. - All a bit blured as the image has been scanned at a high quality but was so small in the original photo, detail gets lost.

The postcard tells us a little moore, the Gentleman holding the dog is named Sid and that this is his shop. Is Sid the son and the father (J. Hooker) is on the right? Here is the rear of the postcard:

The address is given as Upper Street but clearly this is Lower Street - Quite a Puzzle and I would be interested to hear of anyone who may have some thoughts on this. My theory is:
The address written in pencil has been added in after, maybe by a postcard collector, so we can ignore this. The actual address written by Sid is "Upper Street". Sid may well have lived in Upper Street as this is where the card was written and sent to Gracie showing him at the Shop (Wheelwrights) in Lower Street. Although Sid mentions that this is his shop, he may just work there and not be part of the family owned business. Another theory is that Sid had at this stage his own family, moved out of the family home in Lower Street and was now living in Upper Street.
We also know that Upper Street also had an undertakers - Nortons but as we are unsure as to the date of the photo/postcard, it's difficult to piece all this together.

If anyone comes across any old photo's of Shere, please e-mail me and I'll post it on the Shere Village website for us all to enjoy.

original article published: 2nd December 2020
Huge thanks to Andy King and for the above ©Richard Rayner's sketches

5th July 2021

Shere - pre-1892

What an amazing find, and huge thank you to Matthew Bestwick for contacting me. Matthew and his brother purchased an old photo album containing private photographs by Raphael Mendola for Mr and Mrs Evershed (both were famous scientists of their time). There are also some photographs of Lord and Lady Arthur Russell (In 1875 Lady Arthur Russell had the swimming pool built in the middle of Shere so that her six sons could learn to swim - in 1899, the pool was handed over to the Parish Council which continues to be responsible for it to the present day. It was then used as a public pool, said to be the first public open air pool in Britain - Read More). I have dated the photo book to be pre-1892 as Lord Arthur Russell died in 1892, although some photos are dated 1899. So probably built up over time). There is also a photo of Dr Edward Capron nd a photo of Charles Darwin but this has yet to be confirmed. Interesting for us are the photos of 'Shere village' as well as the following local locations:
Abinger, Abinger Hammer, Albury, Chilworth, Felday, Friday Street, Gomshall,Gomshall Lodge, Little London, Netley Park, Peaslake, Shere, Sutton & Wotton.

Huge thank you to Matthew, all photos are ©2021 owned
(©2021 Matthew Bestwick, all rights reserved).

These and more photos can be viewed on a dedicated webpage, click HERE to view.


Thanks again to Matthew Bestwick

17th June 2021

Shere Open Gardens - 2021

Shere Open Gardens is taking place on Sunday 12th September this year with a smaller event of about 15 gardens.

We look forward to welcoming visitors from 2pm. For more details about the event and a chance to visit our virtual Shere Open Gardens

please check the website: www.shereopengardens.co.uk

10th June 2021

St. James' Church - 1895

This 126 year old newspaper illustration / newspaper cutting of St. James' Church was discovered on the reverse of another local Church in Leatherhead.

St. James' footbridge with the Church in the background

Leatherhead church

Unsure as to which publication this double-sided cutting originated.

click the above photos to view more detail.

2nd May 2021

Memories of Shere - 1995

This special paper supplement was produced twenty five years ago in October 1995.

Villages featured: Oxted, Gatton Point, Redhill, Reigate, Shere, Woodhatch, Caterham and Dorking. Shere is the only village to feature a double page spread in this publication.

Memories of Shere - pages 6 & 7

page 6 - click the above photos to view more detail.

Apart from the excellent memories and features, it's interesting to read the adverts on both pages, which gives you a feel of just how and what the village was like 25 years ago. Click on all photos to view more detail.

For anyone outside the village who may be interested in the other villages, click on the following links to read their village page:

Memories of Oxted,
Memories of Gatton Point,
Memories of Redhill,
Memories of Reigate,
Memories of Woodhatch,
Memories of Caterham,
Memories of Dorking.
Front and Rear Cover.

25th February 2021

Upper Street - 1938

This photo taken over 80 years ago shows a glimps into life just a year before World War II broke out.

From an original negative, this print is from the collection of the late Leslie Whitcomb.

When zoomed in you can see more clearly two boys cycling along Upper Street towards the centre of Shere with a Veteran car (opposite Vine Cottage) coming the other way.

click the above photos to view more detail.

20th February 2021

Middle Street - 1949

Feeding the ducks, some 70 years ago.

click the above photo to view more detail.

19th February 2021

Middle Street - June 1966

As promised last month, a photo taken of Middle Street in June 1966

This photo from the summer of 1966 was also taken from a 35mm slide

click the above photo to view more detail.

16th February 2021

FINAL Parish magazine - with Editor Tim Austin and his team

As a way for us all to feel connected, The April edition of the Shere, Peaslake and Gomshall Parish Magazine is now out, and is one of the constants that help us feel as normal as it is possible during these uncertain times. Thank you to Tim Austin and his team. All contact details are below, with more on the Parish Magazine web page:

January 2021 - front cover
New Year, new dawn, new chapter...
January 2021 - rear cover
Now onto the next chapter ...

click images to view

January 2021 Parish Magazine is the last edition that our dear Editor,
Tim Austin and his dearest wife Lesley produced with their team:

Tim and Lesley will be standing down from after 17 years (June 2003) having produced a staggering 188 issues, in the role as Editor of the Parish Magazine. We are all so eternally grateful to the hard work and dedication of both Tim and his wife, Lesley.

A new team will take the magazine forward from January, ready for the February 2021 magazine onwards;

Churches Section copy: rev. Mike Currie;
email: ministryteam.mag@gmail.com

Village Voices: Naia Edwards;
email: villagevoicepmag@gmail.com

Advertising - Javed (J) Kumar;
email: victorjavedkumar@hotmail.com

Everything to do with the Parish Council, Peaslake news, Community organisations, Schools, Cubs and Societies: Rebekah Heaney;
email: sheremagcommunityeditor@gmail.com

Editor-in-Chief - Jane Kumar;
email: shereparishmag@gmail.com

email: advertsheremag@gmail.com

Thank You from the Shere Parish Council

More details can be found on the Parish Magazine web page

February 2021

The Square - 1959

This photo from summer of 1959 was taken from a 35mm slide - click on the photo above to view.

Another new found photo of Middle Street from June 1966, will be posted next month.

January 2021

Dame Barbara Windsor

Today we learn of the sad news that Dame Barbara Windsor has passed away. Last month it was Sir Sean Connery. The connection? Both actors appeared in the 1961 film 'On The Fiddle', which was filmed in Shere.

Other notable actors in the film: John Le Mesurier, Stanley Holloway, Alfred Lynch, Cecil Parker, Wilfrid Hyde White, Kathleen Harrison, Eleanor Summerfield, Eric Barker and Victor Maddern

Yesterday we lost a National Treasure. Thinking of her family at this very sad time.

More details on this British Film can be found on the FILMS page

December 11th 2020

St James' Christingle 2020

Sunday 13th December 2020 - details above

December 10th 2020

Shere Bowling Club - Memories of Summer

I came across this pin badge, the CENTENARY (1900 - 2000) of Shere Bowling Club. And it takes me back to the wonderful summers past in Shere.

Its' a touch of sadness to know that the Shere Bowling Club had to disband due to the lack of members a couple of years ago.

The photo above shows (© link from the Guildford Dragon) Shere Bowls Club v Merrow Bowls Club in May 2017. READ MORE

This from the Shere Parish Council - posted around this time:

"The club has been in existence for 115 years in its present site, in the corner of the recreation ground overlooking the village of Shere.

We have 6 rinks on the green and have roll ups on Tuesday evenings plus friendlies with other local clubs during the week and on Saturdays. We also run internal competitions during the season culminating in a finals day at the end of August.

We are a friendly bowling club offering social and competitive bowling in a beautiful environment". - source: Shere Parish Council

If anyone has any photo's or memories of Shere Bowling Club, please drop me a line.

December 8th 2020

Wheelwrights - 1887

I was reading an earlier issue (April 2020) of the Cranleigh Magazine and came across the above sketch "llustration from a children’s book of 1887 (Jocelyn Bailey, Village Wheelwright (Shire Pubns.).
Below images show an old postcard of 'Wheelwrights' a few decades later and a photo of how it looks now, as a residential property - A by window where once the double doors featured:


'Wheelwrights' in Lower Street -
click on ALL the photo's to view more detail.

Close up of Sid and his dog

Wheelwright - Smith - Undertaker
POSTER - on the far right, inside of the door (click on the poster above)

The poster tells us that the Annual Show at Albury Heath are hosting 'Athletic Sports' and 'Fireworks'. - All a bit blured as the image has been scanned at a high quality but was so small in the original photo, detail gets lost.

The postcard tells us a little moore, the Gentleman holding the dog is named Sid and that this is his shop. Is Sid the son and the father (J. Hooker) is on the right? Here is the rear of the postcard:

The address is given as Upper Street but clearly this is Lower Street - Quite a Puzzle and I would be interested to hear of anyone who may have some thoughts on this. My theory is:
The address written in pencil has been added in after, maybe by a postcard collector, so we can ignore this. The actual address written by Sid is "Upper Street". Sid may well have lived in Upper Street as this is where the card was written and sent to Gracie showing him at the Shop (Wheelwrights) in Lower Street. Although Sid mentions that this is his shop, he may just work there and not be part of the family owned business. Another theory is that Sid had at this stage his own family, moved out of the family home in Lower Street and was now living in Upper Street.
We also know that Upper Street also had an undertakers - Nortons but as we are unsure as to the date of the photo/postcard, it's difficult to piece all this together.

If anyone comes across any old photo's of Shere, please e-mail me and I'll post it on the Shere Village website for us all to enjoy.

2nd December 2020

1907 - Shere Oil Painting

This oil on canvas painting has just been sold in Ohio, USA

Added to the PAINTINGS page (1900-1949)

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license

November 9th 2020

James Matthews - Shere painting

The above painting of a child standing on the footbridge was recently sold in auction.

The painting clearly shows 'High House' in the background with the bridge leading to St. James' church to the right.

This is the second James Mathews 'Shere' painting that I know of. Some of you may remember that back in 2016, we uncovered his first painting, Middle Street. An estimated date of that painting was around the 1870s, so I have no reason not to believe the one sold at auction to be of the same era.

Above painted by James Matthews abt. 1870s

As featured in the centre pages of the March 2016 Parish Magazine


Here are some similar views of the bridge with 'High House Farm' from other artists/painters:

William Gardner (pre-1880s) James Douglas - 1884
Lewis Pinhorn Wood - 1880s Lewis Pinhorn Wood - 1889
Lewis Pinhorn Wood - Sketch 1893 Unknown painter


click the above paintings to view more detail.

November 2nd 2020

Lower Street - The Forge

This rare photo of 'The Forge' in Lower Street appears on a postcard from 1938. The photo could well have been taken in the 1920s or earlier however.

And a photo of how it looks, 100 years on.

Note the poscard was sent from 'Treetops', the holiday camp featured in the September 10th post below along with January 2020 posts further down this web page.

click the above photos to view.

October 29th 2020

Middle Street Garage

I have been searching and searching for information / photographs on the garage that was based in the centre of Shere in Middle Street and was deighted to

be contacted by Neil Scott, the son of the garage owner. This post is long overdue, due to various reasons but I'm delighted to be ble to post this today.

Dear Tristan

Hi, I was just looking at your website which carried a picture of my Fathers garage in Middle Street, I was just having a quick look to see what images were available. You comment on there that you would like more information on the garage, is this still the case? I worked there with Dad for 13 years and he was there for 30+ years before his retirement.

For reference, the Alfa Romeo in the picture was a very rare 1974 Alfa Spyder Le Mans, belonging to a Mr Langdon from Peaslake, I loved that car!

Sadly, Dad is no longer with us, he passed away in 2015 following a long battle with many health issues.

I attach a picture that I found only last week of our old Wolsey pick up, that was built to drag cars about the village and had the best air horns I can remember hearing!. This would have been taken in the mid 80’s from memory. click the above photos to view.

The garage was named ‘Middle Street Garage’ It was registered under the name of James Scott from 1960’s to mid 80’s, then changed to James Scott & Son (That was my input!) until its forced closure in 1997, when the site was sold for the development of the houses to the rear, this also left me homeless as I lived in the flat above!. We took the garage over in the early 60’s. The flat above was all one, living room overlooked the stream, two bedrooms, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. The bathroom was over the arch and I had to break the ice in the toilet on cold winter mornings! We had a big freeze once, before I moved up there, would have been late 80’s, the pipework burst and when we arrived at work we had a customers car completely shrouded in a layer of ice that was about 2” thick, it was attached to the ground on all four sides and looked like a huge ice sculpture, we had paraffin space heaters running in the yard for hours trying to melt it! It was very funny! The walls of the flat were just laths and pebbledash on the outside and lime plastered on the inside, no heating apart from some small Victorian fireplaces, I have seen some pictures before the flat was built and the lower sandstone section of the building was the garden wall of the Coal Merchants, so there was no foundations! I believe that they have now built another flat behind the original.

I think that the only people left in the village now that I would know are Dick and Elaine from the Greengrocers, Christine at the Bakers, and possibly Ken and Moira at the supermarket, that is assuming that they are all still there! I have not been in the village for years.

Dad also had workshops over these years at Gomshall Service Station, Thatchers at Horsley and the Bell & Colville site, so he was pretty well known in the area!

Kind regards,

Neil Scott

Hoping the hear from anyone who can remember anything regarding the garage and fondly refered to as "Scottys"
- please e-mail me

1st October 2020

Treetops Holiday Camp -1960

Some of you may remember a couple of posts, earlier this year, regarding the Treetops Holiday Camp - (if not, scroll down to the January 2020 entry):

I received a lovely e-mail from Jenny Eagleston:

Dear Tristan,

I have just come across your post on the Shere Village website, and really enjoyed seeing the scanned Treetops Brochure. My family visited Treetops several times when I was a child, and I have many happy memories: the outdoor swimming pool (many leaves and dead insects but we didn't mind); playing some approximation of croquet; the year we stayed in one of the old railway carriages and watched in fascination as a large spider in a web on the outside gradually wrapped up its prey. I also remember the milk coming in quart bottles, and of course many country walks with our beloved dog Scamp.

click the above photo taken of Jenny's Mother, Sister and Scamp to view.

Unfortunately, for all those memories I only have one photo, of my mother and sister sitting outside one of the chalets.

Kind regards,

Jenny Eaglestone


Huge thanks to Jenny for sharing this memory from 1960 - Difficult to believe its now 60 years on.

Scroll down to the 'January 31st 2020' section below to read more about Treetops.

Hoping the hear from anyone who can remember Treetops, either by visiting, working or just knowing someone who may have spent their family holiday "in the heart of the Surrey pine hills"
- please e-mail me

September 10th 2020

1966 - January

The above photo looking at the Middle Street Bridge was emailed to me from Wendy Lydall.

Hi Tristan,
At long last I have found the other photo that I took of Shere in January 1966.
It is not quite sharp, but I don't know if that is because the slide is not sharp or the scanners did not do a good job.
The people on the bridge are my mother Phyllis Lawson and uncle Hugo Clarke.
Kind regards,

Thanks Wendy for sharing this with us, a lovely photo taken 54 years ago.

September 8th 2020

1873 - In Sheire Village, Surrey

An exciting find from The British Museum. Upper Street, Sheire.

Yes, the village was spelt 'Sheire' back in the day.

Description: Plate 11: a line of buildings at the left, the road to the right and two people, one on horseback, in the distance; final published state. 1873 - Drypoint on Japan paper


Added to the PAINTINGS page (1800-1899)

© The Trustees of the British Museum
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license

September 5th 2020

The White Horse, Shere, Surrey - Painting

Shere Church

This oil on canvas was pasted by Keith Vaughan (1912-1977)
Dated - 1938


September 4th 2020

The White Horse, Shere, Surrey- Painting

The White Horse, Shere, Surrey - This painting looks towards Middle Street. Watercolour. 54cm x 36cm
Painted by Angus Rands (1922-1985) and was thought to be painted in the earlier 1970s. Click on the painting for more detail and you can read 'Surrey County Council' on the board to the right hand side.

August 28th 2020

William Barnes - Stream at Shere Surrey

Stream at Shere Surrey - This painting of the village was recently sold in Horsham. Watercolour 24" x 37"
by painter William Barnes (1916-1990) - born in Brixton, London. He attended Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts 1930-33

August 26th 2020


Stream at Shere Surrey - This painting of the village was recently sold Famous illustrator, LAWSON WOOD, once lived in Shere (The family lived at Burnside in the village of Shere, Surrey), before moving to Highgate and then to Homefeld Road, Chiswick.

Lawson Wood was not only known for Gran'pop. He created a number of popular cartoons featuring comic policemen and a series for Punch of stone age men and dinosaurs. P. V. Bradshaw commented that he had a "breadth, ease and fluency which many an infinitely more serious artist must envy". He worked in pen and ink, pencil, chalk and watercolour. He was elected to the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours and was a member of the London Sketch Club alongside his close friend Tom Browne, who encouraged him to produce a number of now highly collectable postcards. SOURCE

August 20th 2020

Another film, movie location, Shere

1953 - Small Town Story

Small Town Story is a 1953 British film directed by Montgomery Tully

The British Film Institute previously included this production on it’s “75 Most Wanted” list of missing British films.

Settling on a shot of the church, the titles end with a caption explaining that this is Oldchester and the year is 1948. St. James church in Shere, Surrey.

Thanks to Phil Wilkinson for his amazing REELSTREETS website

VIEW More info


August 20th 2020

Newly discovered film, movie location, Shere

1971 - Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts, made in 1969 but not released until late 1971, starring: Michael Bentine, (The Goons) Norman Vaughan (Roses Grow On You), Una Stubbs (Summer Holiday, Till Death Do Us Part, Wurzel Gummidge), Johnny Briggs (Coronation Street), David Lodge

STORY: An artist from the Continent arrives in England and meets a variety of quirky locals, including a flirtatious policewoman, a barload of boozers, nudists and the police!


Church Lane Cottages

Upper Street

Una Stubbs - The Square

Lower Street

Middle Street

Thanks to Phil Wilkinson for his amazing REELSTREETS website

VIEW More info and screencaptures


July 10th 2020

1900 - Sketch Book Etchings - eBay

Strange timing - After yesterday's post (1886 Old Cottage Architecture) a '1900s Sketch Book Etchings' appeared on eBay. Three of the four buildings have appeared in that sketchbook.

Here is the link if you wish to bid and purchase this Sketch Book


Jarlett's Cottage Shere


Vine Cottage Shere - Wood and Tuffin's Cottages (were these the peoples names who lived in those cottages? Maybe the census of the time can tell us?

The Malt House Gomshall - August 21st 1890

Hatch Farm Abinger Hammer

click all the above photos to view larger version

June 11th 2020

1886 - Old Cottage Architecture
- The Builder

The Builder, September 15, 1886

Vine Cottage featured as one of a series of four sketches in the issue of 'The Builder' Journal.

Note the spelling of 'SHERE' - The first 'i" was dropped very soon after this period in time.

Interesting Architectural Illustration from "The Builder" Journal, published 1888 - single page size by Mr. Ralph Nevill, F.S.A.

Vine Cottage (top left) - At Gomshall, The Malt House (top right) - Paddington Manor (bottom left) - Near Abinger Hammer - Hatch Farm (bottom right)

click all the above photos to view larger version

June 10th 2020

Newly discovered film, movie location, Shere

1952 - My Wife's Lodger

It just amazes me that these films, shot on location in our village of Shere, keep on popping up. It adds to the list. How many more are out there, that we havn't yet discovered?

My Wife's Lodger is a 1952 British film directed by Maurice Elvey

Stars: Dominic Roche, Olive Sloane, Diana Dors, Leslie Dwyer
Location(s): Cornwall, London, Shere, Surrey

STORY: Arriving home after being demobbed, a soldier expects a warm welcome but finds that his wife had taken in a lodger during his absence.

View up Middle Street

The White Horse Pub

Looking over The Square towards Pantrys

Thanks to Phil Wilkinson for his amazing REELSTREETS website

VIEW More info and screencaptures or purchase the film here


May 9th 2020

The Village Larder


click on the poster above for larger view

This wonderful initiative to:

Help our community buy food during the Covid-19 crisis for those who live in the civil Parish of Shere and are currently struggling to afford their weekly shop.


Visit the Village Larder facebook page to get updated and find out more

You can help by visiting the

webpage - click HERE

or by scanning the code below with your smartphone:

OR if YOU require assistance, please contact Keith Childs in complete confidence: Telephone: 01483 203234
Email: kc.thevillagelarder@gmail.com

April 29th 2020

October 1973

Gomshall and Shere Railway station - 4th October 1973

Platform 1 - Interesting to zoom into various areas of the photo

click on the above photos to view larger version

These and other photos covering the history of our local train station in Gomashall can be viewed on the dedicated web page: Train Station - Gomshall & Shere,

April 28th 2020

July 1903

Hoping that everyone is coping with the lockdown - I thought I would try to take your mind off things by sharing this postcard, posted on:

at 5.45pm on July 20th 1903 from Shere post office and arrived in Guildford at 7.15pm the same evening.

This postcards message reads 'this is a very pretty village between Dorking and Guildford - This message reminded me just how lucky we are to live here and made me think of all the happy times spent in the village.

click on the above photos to view larger version

If you look carefully at the postcard, you can see a horse and cart coming from Gomshall Lane and a boy/man leaning up against the wall of Vine Cottage.

April 27th 2020

NEW Parish magazine - out NOW

As a way for us all to feel connected, The April edition of the Shere, Peaslake and Gomshall Parish Magazine is now out, and is one of the constants that help us feel as normal as it is possible during these uncertain times. Thank you to Tim Austin and his team. All contact details are below as well as the 'headline' articles that appear on the cover:

April 2020 - front cover
The Cross with Easter lilies in St James', Shere
April 2020 - rear cover
The train now waiting at Jessie's Seat ...

click images to view

The coroavirus pandemic: All church services cancelled in Lent, Holy Week and Easter.
Do not be afraid: the Rev Sarah Hutton
Lockdown: how the virus is affecting our villages
A special day on the North Downs Line

This and other news, the new 88 page Parish Magazine is OUT NOW

Deadline for news/info regarding the May Edition of the Parish Magazine will be noon on Monday, April 13th.
e-mail: shuttlesmag@gmail.com or by hand to Shuttles, Spinning Walk, Shere. GU5 9HN

The Parish Magazine web page has now been fully updated - VISIT

March 29th 2019

Shere and local villages Coronavirus Community Support Group

There is now a Shere and local villages Corona Virus Community Support Group Facebook page - click this link or on the image above.

March 18th 2020

Seeking Volunteers for Local Covid-19 Support Groups

This from the Local Covid-19 Support Group headed by Christian Staunskjaer and Annabel Alford-Warren:


  At times like this strong community support can make a huge difference, so we are writing to introduce the Shere Parish and Local Area Covid-19 Action Group and to recruit volunteers. We are working in close collaboration with the doctors at Shere Surgery and other local groups.


Email - shereparishcv19actiongroup@gmail.com

Our initial aims are to -

  1. Prevent the spread of Covid 19 in our community via -
    1. Promoting NHS Guidelines and best safe practices people may consider
    2. Local coordination of sanitising, initially high touch areas in public access spaces
    3. Sharing access to sanitising products that the group will source;we already have 25 litres of high strength sanitiser that is available for community use.
  1. Support people locally who are directly or indirectly affected by the virus, e.g.:
    1. People advised to or choosing to self-isolate
    2. Those living alone or those with other health conditions
    3. Volunteers taking over from existing community helpers who are now unable to help due to their own health concerns
    4. Supporting each other to prevent worry and loneliness



We aim to create a network of small community support groups centred around specific streets or local areas.  If you feel you could be this co-ordinator, please get in touch urgently.

This would probably involve being in regular contact over the phone with your neighbours, or maybe by providing practical help collecting shopping, prescriptions etc.

We are grateful for ANY help and understand that we all have busy lives, but the more volunteers, the easier it will be on everyone.  Naturally, the first consideration should centre around your own health assessment and concerns about Covid-19.

We intend that the majority of communication is via phone and internet.

Thank you for reading and please can we ask for your help to forward this on to as many people you know local as possible.

Links we feel are very helpful:

Public Health England Website


Shere Surgery

Shere Parish Council

Nextdoor - Join or form a local group  



March 14th 2020

1928 - Surrey - The Playground of London

Photo of Shere, the Village 1958
This 92 year old publication, contains a glimpse of Surrey almost a century ago...

...various photos of Abinger Hammer, Dorking and...

...our village, Shere - Lower Street.

March 14th 2020

1947 - The Steeple of St. James' Church - Undergoing re-shingling work

Photo of Shere, the Village 1958
A 73 year old clipping from a weekly magazine published in 1947.
It is amazing to think that the two children in the photo are in their mid-seventees now.

March 11th 2020

1958 - The Lavender Ladye

Photo of Shere, the Village 1958
Two old negatives of the Lavender Ladye Tea Rooms (right),

above: looking up towards the White Horse Inn.

Looking back the other way, towards the Old Fire Station

March 4th 2020

NEW Parish magazine - out NOW

The Shere, Peaslake and Gomshall Parish Magazine.

March 2020 - front cover
Spring is on the way
March 2020 - rear cover
Still hard at work, Pat celebrates her 90th

click images to view

Lent, a time for reordering
Holy Week & Easter service changes
Shere Museum reopens with a flourish
Peaslake Players' panto reviewed

This and other news, the new 92 page Parish Magazine is OUT NOW

Deadline for news/info regarding the April Edition of the Parish Magazine will be noon on Monday, March 16th.
e-mail: shuttlesmag@gmail.com or by hand to Shuttles, Spinning Walk, Shere. GU5 9HN

The Parish Magazine web page has now been fully updated - VISIT

March 2019

1930 - Middle Street

Thank you to James for sharing this photo from his family album:

Dear Tristan

I found this photo in an album from my great aunt called “Holiday Snaps 1929-1930-1931” and I thought that you might like it for your website.

They lived in Essex and I think the photo is from 1930 judging by the others in the album.

Kind regards

James Friend


Also added this to the 1900-1949 PHOTOs page

February 20th 2020

NEW Parish magazine - out NOW

The Shere, Peaslake and Gomshall Parish Magazine.

February 2020 - front cover
Welcome to the Parish Doug!
February 2020 - rear cover
Winter sunset over Holmbury Hill.

click images to view

Taking a deep breath: the Rev Judy Potter
Lent Group to focus on Stephen Hawking
Flying start for Drop-In Mornings
Gardening Association set to close
How American pastors fill the pews

This and other news, the new 88 page Parish Magazine is OUT NOW

Deadline for news/info regarding the March Edition of the Parish Magazine will be noon on Monday, February 17th.
e-mail: shuttlesmag@gmail.com or by hand to Shuttles, Spinning Walk, Shere. GU5 9HN

The Parish Magazine web page has now been fully updated - VISIT

February 2019

SALV Extra Meeting - Monday 24th February

SALV Evening on Men's Health

SALV - Tuesday 28th April

The SALV (Shere and Local Villages Health Trust) hold their Open evening in Albury Village Hall:

Please visit the SALV website | SALV open Evenings

February 7th 2020

The Treetops Holiday Camp guide

Following-up on the previous post, the Treetops Holiday Camp guide:

Front cover - Treetops Holiday Camp in the heart of the Surrey pine hills

pages 2 and 3 - What is the perfect Hoilday?

pages 4 and 5 - Scenery and the Social Side

pages 6 and 7 - Camp information and How to get to Treetops

Rear cover - click all the above photos to view larger version

Its been a pleasure scanning and sharing this slice of 'Holiday History'

Hoping the hear from anyone who can remember Treetops, either by visiting, working or just knowing someone who may have spent their family holiday "in the heart of the Surrey pine hills"
- please e-mail me

January 31st 2020

Treetops Holiday Camp

Does anyone remember or know more about TREETOPS HOLIDAY CAMP? or have any stories that they would like to share with us?

Above is the 8 page booklet / guide, and although there is no publishing or reference date, I am guessing it was produced sometime in the 1950s. The camp was situated in Farley Green with a telephone number of SHERE 107

I'll be scanning the booklet over the next week and will share it on this page - fascinating read, with b/w photos and map - a step back in time.

Hoping the hear from anyone who can remember Treetops
- please e-mail me

January 29th 2020

150,000 visitors

Thank you to everyone who has visited the Shere Village website - An amazing milestone of 150,000 visits - Looking forward to the next year of research and stories from our beautiful village.

January 1st 2020

2020 - A happy New Year and decade to all!

The best way to welcome you all to this New Year is through our beloved Shere, Peaslake and Gomshall Parish Magazine. The title above, taken from the front cover of the January 2020 issue.

NEW Parish magazine - out NOW

January 2020 - front cover
A happy New Year and decade to all!
January 2020 - rear cover
A fond farewell to Choir leader Emma.

click images to view

Family, Church & Epiphany: Rector's Letter
Save Newlands Corner Group celebrates
Parish Council's Drop-In Mornings
How we can all get fit after Christmas

This and other news, the new 88 page Parish Magazine is OUT NOW

Deadline for news/info regarding the February Edition of the Parish Magazine will be noon on Monday, January 13th.
e-mail: shuttlesmag@gmail.com or by hand to Shuttles, Spinning Walk, Shere. GU5 9HN

For those of you who may not have read last months Parish Magazine (December 2019), a major and very sad announcement came on page eight. Our dear editor Tim announced that he and his wife Lesley will be standing down from their Parish Mag duties in 12 months time:

For so many, its been a huge part of our Village Life, looking forward to collecting their monthly magazine on the last Friday of every month. I can't find the words at the moment, but are so eternally grateful to both Tim and Lesley. All their hard work, dedication and effort over the past 17 years.

June 2003 issue

PARISH MAGAZINE MILESTONES under Magazine Editor Tim Austin:
Edited and produced 175 monthly issues of our Parish Magazine.
Spanning 17 years
Over 15,000 pages
June 2003 - The very first issue published.
Just two issues in (August 2003) - First cover black and white photograph appeared - Sam Hewett (1924 - 2003)
November 2005 issue - First spot colour cover photograph (2 red poppies for Remembrance Sunday)
March 2012 - Full Colour cover photograph (a total of 6 full cover photo's appeared over the 2012 issues).
2013 issues onwards - Full-Colour front covers
January 2018 - The first issue in the history of the Parish Magazine to be produced and printed in full-colour.

The Parish Magazine web page has now been fully updated - VISIT

January 2020


2019 NEWS

Archive News...

For all archive news (2011 to present):

2019 NEWS | 2018 NEWS | 2017 NEWS

2016 NEWS | 2015 NEWS | 2014 NEWS

2013 NEWS | 2012 NEWS | 2011 NEWS

Shere as a Film location

The village has been the home to various film locations,
such as The Wedding Date (Debra Messing & Dermot Mulroney)
Wedding scenes and shots of 'The Square'

Bridgette Jones - The Edge of Reason
(Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent)

The Holiday
(Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black and Jude Law)
Various village shots

The Ruling Class
1972 (Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim, Arthur Lowe). Shots of 'The White Horse interior and outside shots of 'The Square'.
WATCH video clip (Inside the pub and outside in The Square).

Hearts of the World
(DW Griffith 1918 silent film) - some location shots. Starring Erich Von Stroheim, D.W. Griffith, Lillian Gish, Noël Coward, Dorothy Gish, Robert Anderson, Robert Harron, Billy Bitzer, William "Wild Bill" Elliott and features David Lloyd George.

A Matter of Life and Death
Shere was used as Dr. Reeve's village in the 1946 film
(David Niven and Kim Hunter) but seen very briefly through camera obscura that if you blink you would miss it.

The Earth Dies Screaming Shere was the location for the 1965 science fiction film which was mainly filmed around 'The Square' - see the newly planted Oak Tree below



Many more Hollywood films and actors, including two ex-James Bond actors - Sir Roger Moore and Sir Sean Connery as well as notable actors: Sir Michael Caine, Julie Walters, Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Jude Law, Jack Black, Kate Winslet, Camron Diaz, Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent, Michael Winner (Director), Michael Kitchen, Edward Fox, Robert Hardy, Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr, Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim, William Mervyn, Coral Browne, Harry Andrews, Carolyn Seymour, James Villiers and Arthur Lowe, John Le Mesurier, Stanley Holloway, Alfred Lynch, Cecil Parker, Wilfrid Hyde White, Kathleen Harrison, Eleanor Summerfield,, Eric Barker, Victor Maddern, Barbara Windsor, David Niven, Kim Hunter, Lillian Gish, Dorothy Gish, Noel Coward, Diana Rigg, Harry Hill, Simon Day, David Mitchell, Ben Miller, Emily Watson, Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, Natasha Parry - View the FILM page for more

See the FILM page

Access by Bus and Rail

The nearest train stations to Shere are:
Gomshall train station (0.9 miles)
Chilworth train station (2.7 miles)
Clandon train station (4.3 miles)

Gomshall station was previously known as Gomshall & Shere, as it also serves the adjacent village of Shere.
It has been an unmanned station since 1967.

There are buses from the village that run every half that stops at
'The Compasses Pub' in Gomshall - This takes 3 minutes according
to the time table and means that you only walk 0.2 mile from there to
the train station  
- so a max time of a 5 minute walk - Total time is 8 minutes from
Shere to the station by bus/foot.


by train - National RAIL WEBSITE times:

Gomshall to London Waterloo - Total time = 58 minutes

with 1 change at Guildford

Gomshall to Guildford = 15min
Waiting time between trains = 9min
Guildford to - London Waterloo = 34min
TOTAL: 58 minutes

ALTERNATIVELY - Gomshall to London Bridge
- Total time = 69 minutes

with 1 change (Redhill)

Gomshall to Redhill = 21min
Waiting time between trains = 12min
Redhill to - London Bridge = 36min
TOTAL: 69 minutes

Seems that Train travel is rising, heading for twice the amount of passengers in the past ten years. Annual rail passenger usage*:
(Clandon figures compared as its a direct line to London)
1997/98: 17,780. (Clandon 142,780)
1998/99: 20,269. (Clandon 147,359)
1999/00: 26,484. (Clandon 155,727)
2000/01: 26,992. (Clandon 151,730)
2001/02: 25,660. (Clandon 140,098)
2002/03: 26,245. (Clandon 140,085)
2003/04: No data available
2004/05: 27,136. (Clandon 149,556)
2005/06: 28,968. (Clandon 141,921)
2006/07: 28,999. (Clandon 152,813)
2007/08: 32,978. (Clandon 178,203)
2008/09: 39,770. (Clandon 185,630)
2009/10: 41,040. (Clandon 177,902)
2010/11: 46,628. (Clandon 188,300)
2011/12: 50,736. (Clandon 186,530)
2012/13: 59,290. (Clandon 187,258) - Gomshall continues high growth (exceeds double figures over the last 10 years)
2013/14: 59,226. (Clandon 202,062) - Gomshall: Numbers stabalised.
2014/15: 58,430. (Clandon 216,602) - Gomshall: Numbers down.
2015/16: 56,806. (Clandon 222,396) - Gomshall: Numbers dropping.
2016/17: 58,228. (Clandon 222,750) - Gomshall: Numbers increased.

* Annual estimated passenger usage based on sales of tickets in stated financial year(s) which end or originate at Gomshall from
Office of Rail Regulation statistics

Gomshall and Shere Railway station - 24th July 1937

Visit Train Station page



We hope that you have time to Sign the Guestbook

WebsiteDesign and programming by Tristan Greatrex





































