Archive Updates / News
Shere QuizClosing Date Monday December 23rd 2013 at 5pm. Please drop completed entry forms in an envelope plus £1 entry fee into: December 2013 |
Shere Goodwill Evening
Shere Village CinemaThis coming Sunday - 15th December 2013 - Shere Village Cinema
New community cinema launched in ShereDecember 2013 |
Christmas CardsOn the back of this months Parish Magazine - there are three beautiful winter scenes of Shere by local artist Pat Cheshire (Stringer). These Christmas cards are in aid of the Shere Museum and can be purchased for 50p each from the Museum Shop and other village outlets. |
Now Gomshall and Shere Meet to Discuss Green Belt Threat - 22nd November 2013Parish Council Chairman Roy Davey addresses the meeting. ![]() Standing room only as around 150 cram into Shere Village Hall to discuss the Local Plan consultation. Another night, another meeting on the Guildford’s green belt. Last night (Friday, November 22) it was the turn of Gomshall and Shere. Once again, it was standing room only as 150 concerned souls packed into Village Hall at Shere to hear the parish council and ward councillors explain their view of the Local Plan consultation and hear opinions and questions from other residents present. The parish council were mainly concerned with the suggestion, contained in the consultation documents, that both Gomshall and Shere villages should be removed from the green belt. Several speakers criticised the Pegasus report titled Green belt and the countryside study. Cllr David Wright (Con, Tillingbourne) said that the methodology they had used was questionable and the views, albeit from expert consultants, necessarily subjective. He had warned, he said, that the council’s approach to the consultation might set a lot of hares running and that the issues were not clear cut: there would be difficult choices ahead. Cllr Wright added: “The key to it is for you all to write individual letters. They have to contain cogent planning arguments. It is not really good enough to say, ‘This is the place that I have loved all my life, why should anyone want to change it?’ You have to use the sort of language that has been used [in the consultation documents]. “We are going to have to fight the good fight on just how many houses Guildford is going to have to build. “If we can prove irreparable harm to the green belt as the result of having to build anything anywhere then that is a reason that the [planning] inspectors are bound to take into account.” Tim Harrold, chairman of the Campaign to Protect Rural England’s (CPRE) Guildford branch said: “I represent the green belt and the countryside.” He referred to the council questionnaire on the Local Plan and the question, ‘Do you support using the Green belt and the countryside study to help to decide whether we should decide new insett settlement boundaries for our villages? “Well the answer to that is no!” he said, “Because the… study is hopelessly flawed. It was prepared by a company who are based in Bracknell and whose principal customers are developers. “I have studied the document and I can tell you it worries me to death, it is full of mistakes and it shouldn’t have been allowed to be used.” Campaigner Susan Parker was the first from the audience to speak. She said that a website had been set up called Save Shere, Gomshall and Abinger to provide information on the campaign. She urged the audience to write to their councillors who, she said, needing encouraging. Then, addressing the two Conservative ward councillors present, David Wright and Richard Billington, directly, she said: “I know you are on the right side but I think you need to be a lot more robust, I really do.” This met with applause. She also questioned the selection of Pegasus as a suitable company for the consultation, given their track record of providing consultation for developers. Later Mrs Parker recommended that the audience read the Guildford Dragon’s interview with Cllr Monika Juneja to understand her view that if the popular consensus was a rejection of any growth then some would be forced through on central government terms, in line with their housing targets. Cllr Wright returned to the debate to explain that the 19 PDAs (Potential Development Areas) had been identified in the study but that not all would be developed and the situation was not as apocalyptic as some portrayed it to be. He also pointed out that any development site could only be developed if the owner wished it to be. Several residents said that objections should not be totally negative and the need for some development acknowledged in areas that residents found acceptable. Another pointed out that land value increases, once development is even thought remotely possible, would make affordable housing impossible. Awareness of the issue was also raised. A member of the audience said, “It is not just some people in London that don’t know about this threat there are some in Surrey that don’t know about it. Even Boris Johnson, when he came through our countryside on the recent cycling event, said, ‘I didn’t even know this existed.” One Abinger resident echoed the view that it was not good enough to simply say no, He pointed out that it was not just the Shere area that was affected and deplored the lack of reference, in the consultation documents, to required infrastructure improvements. Cllr Wright rejected the popular view,expressed again at the meeting, that the problem could be solved simply by utilising the brownfield sites in Guildford. “If it were that easy I don’t think there would be any problem. But the plain fact of the matter is that Guildford is in a very narrow valley. “There are very few available sites… The green belt washes over 89 per cent of the borough so if you have got no space in the town then what do you do?… There is no ready, easy answer.” The chairman of the parish council Roy Davey closed the meeting urging the audience to communicate their views before the end on the consultation period ends on November 29. November 2013 |
Green Belt Status: Please comment by Friday 29th November 2013Guildford Borough Council is consulting on its new Local Plan. The Plan sets out a vision for the whole borough for the next 20 years. It proposes that Shere and Gomshall are removed from the Green Belt and makes it easier for developers to get permission for build houses in the area.
November 2013 |
Show your support to protect the greenbelt of Shere, Gomshall & Abinger. READ MORE
Postcard Collection - 343An additional 75 postcards have now been scanned and added to the November 2013 |
Wedding in Shere - 1905Interesting photo at the junction of Upper Street/Middle Street of a wedding photo taken in 1905 - sent as a postcard on August 23rd 1905 November 2013 |
New Painting to be exibited at DenbiesThe above painting by David Deamer can be viewed in an exhibition at Denbie's Vineyard for the first two weeks of November 2013 Visit the Paintings Page for more details November 2013 |
Shere & Peaslake ChurchMAY 2013 May 2013 |
Shere Gardens Open Day 2013QUINTESSENTIAL ENGLAND REVEALED AT SHERE OPEN GARDENSLooking forward to Summer - Sunday 30th June 2013 To celebrate the 35th Annual Shere Gardens Open Day, a new dedicated Open Gardens page has been created. View the Shere Open Gardens Page May 2013 |
John 'Hoppy' HopgoodThe village of Shere has paid tribute to former resident John “Hoppy” Hopgood, who died 70 years ago in the legendary Dambusters raid. The Shere Bellringers rang a quarter peal to honour the Lancaster bomber pilot on the evening of May 16, while an exhibition celebrating his bravery opened at Shere Museum. The display, which will be in place all summer, features a life-size model of a bouncing bomb, as well as a fragment of Flight Lieutenant Hopgood’s plane. |
Middle Street Today...
Cathy Garthwaite and Christina Collins - The Dabbling Duck -
Opening this coming week - Wednesday March 6th 2013 at 8am
Gillian Ackroyd's Shere Delights Ice Cream and Sweet Shop - Opened Sunday March 3rd 2013
Steve Thompson's 'Ye Olde Sandwich Shoppe' March 2013 |
Shere in the Snow - 2013Other photos taken in and around the village - ©2013 Tristan
The William Bray - |
Congratulations HowardHoward Potter, British Empire Medal (BEM) Fantastic news and richly deserved - PARISH MAGAZINE February 2013 |
Lucky Duck will be in very good handsThe Speckledy Hen tearoom and deli, Shamley Green, near Guildford I am always delighted when I receive news of a new tearoom which has opened in Surrey and I always look forward to going for a spin to try it out. Last week, I was browsing through the most informative Shere, Peaslake and Gomshall Parish Magazine, and stumbled across an item that caught my eye... Read More on 'THIS IS SUREY' website RELATED ARTICLE: Time for Tea as reported in March 2012 January 2013 |
Shere as a Film location
Bridgette Jones - The Edge of Reason The Holiday The Ruling Class Hearts of the World A Matter of Life and Death The Earth Dies Screaming Shere was the location for the 1965 science fiction film which was mainly filmed around 'The Square' - see the newly planted Oak Tree below
ActorsMany more Hollywood films and actors, including two ex-James Bond actors - Roger Moore and Sean Connery as well as notable actors: Michael Caine, Julie Walters, Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Jude Law, Jack Black, Kate Winslet, Camron Diaz, Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent, Michael Winner, Michael Kitchen, Edward Fox, Robert Hardy, Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr, Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim, William Mervyn, Coral Browne, Harry Andrews, Carolyn Seymour, James Villiers and Arthur Lowe, John Le Mesurier, Stanley Holloway, Alfred Lynch, Cecil Parker, Wilfrid Hyde White, Kathleen Harrison, Eleanor Summerfield,, Eric Barker, Victor Maddern, Barbara Windsor, David Niven, Kim Hunter, Lillian Gish, Dorothy Gish, Noel Coward, Diana Rigg, Harry Hill, Simon Day, David Mitchell, Ben Miller, Emily Watson, Tom Cruise, Russell Crowev- View the FILM page for more |
Website Design and programming by Tristan Greatrex |