Archive Updates / News
Paintings page UpdateVarious additions to the Painting's page Additions include, this wonderful pencil sketch (approx. 1850) and... ...this beautiful painting (1880) from within St.James church December 2012 |
Yesteryear - Pram Race - 1984 |
Molly Moon: The Incredible HypnotistUPDATE: Additional day of filming - Sunday 16th December 2012 Filming begins in the Village today - 29th October 2012 October 2012 |
LATEST UPDATESSt. James Church Sketchings - 1884The Building News Sketching Club published these fascinating detailed drawings of St. James Church some 130 years ago, dated November 21st 1884 - Details on the History page. |
2012 - Middle Street - Sir Bradley WigginsMiddle Street - Tour Of Britain Cycle race |
Hollywood heart throb George Clooney made a stop for lunch at the William Bray in ShereAugust 29th 2012 - The actor/director, who has starred in Ocean’s Eleven, Three Kings and E.R. dined with four others at the pub in the heart of Shere village. The owner of the William Bray – ex-Formula One star Julian Bailey – regularly hosts the three stars of Top Gear August 2012 |
The London 2012 Olympic Torch relay - photos / videosFriday 20th July 2012 Oliver Haydon (22) (Gomshall Lane stage) and Charlie Palmer (87) (Upper Street stage) will be the torchbearers July 2012
Shere Gardens Open Day 2012
Shere, nr Guildford, Surrey June 2012 |
HELP Shere Museum!Shere Museum needs help through this busy 2012 Olympic summer.
As a TOURIST INFORMATION POINT FOR THE VILLAGE, we need to be open for at least two additional days each week between Easter and October this year. The Museum is entirely staffed by volunteers: we just need a few more! COME IN AND SEE US! or call 01483 202 769
May 2012 |
The Last Weekend - TelevisionLAST NIGHT - Sunday 19th August 2012 - First Episode of three parts was shown on ITV last night. The next two episodes will be shown on Sunday 26th August with the final episode to be screened on Sunday 2nd May. Some ilming took place in the Square, Shere on 1st May 2012 The Last Weekend: Based on the novel of the same name by Blake Morrison, ‘’The Last Weekend’’ tells the story of two estranged couple reunited during a holiday retreat at a remote cottage by the sea. READ MORE ON THE FILM SET PAGE May 2012 |
World War IIWho remembers living in shere during the war? - Love to hear from you. Photo's added to the Photographs page |
2012 - Top Gear in ShereFebruary 21, 2012 A FAMOUS motoring trio brought the village of Shere to a halt on Saturday. Drenched Top Gear presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May pulled in at Trek Hire UK's shop to pick up some waterproof clothing during one of their eccentric expeditions. They needed it for the trip back to Dunsfold, where the BBC show is filmed, as they were driving convertible cars despite the pouring rain. Their classic convoy included a Caterham and KTM X-Bow.... ...The family-run business has been visited by other famous names in the past, including actress Julie Walters who popped in with her husband to buy waterproof clothing. February 2012 |
Shere as a Film location
Bridgette Jones - The Edge of Reason The Holiday The Ruling Class Hearts of the World A Matter of Life and Death The Earth Dies Screaming Shere was the location for the 1965 science fiction film which was mainly filmed around 'The Square' - see the newly planted Oak Tree below
ActorsMany more Hollywood films and actors, including two ex-James Bond actors - Roger Moore and Sean Connery as well as notable actors: Michael Caine, Julie Walters, Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Jude Law, Jack Black, Kate Winslet, Camron Diaz, Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent, Michael Winner, Michael Kitchen, Edward Fox, Robert Hardy, Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr, Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim, William Mervyn, Coral Browne, Harry Andrews, Carolyn Seymour, James Villiers and Arthur Lowe, John Le Mesurier, Stanley Holloway, Alfred Lynch, Cecil Parker, Wilfrid Hyde White, Kathleen Harrison, Eleanor Summerfield,, Eric Barker, Victor Maddern, Barbara Windsor, David Niven, Kim Hunter, Lillian Gish, Dorothy Gish, Noel Coward, Diana Rigg, Harry Hill, Simon Day, David Mitchell, Ben Miller, Emily Watson, Tom Cruise, Russell Crowev- View the FILM page for more |
Website Design and programming by Tristan Greatrex |